A simple and effective way to combat premature greying and hair loss

Did you know you can combat premature greying and hair fall with a simple routine tweak?

According to Ayurveda, premature greying and hair loss occur due to Pitta dosha (dosha means imbalance), which is excess heat in the body. In ancient times, herbal steam treatments were used to maintain and promote luscious hair. But guess what? Exercise is just as powerful! 🏋️‍♀️

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Regular exercise can naturally induce scalp sweating, opening up your sweat pores and boosting your hair health. Consistency is key, so make sure you choose exercise that you enjoy and make it fun! Along with exercise, I consume Amla to amplify the results. Say goodbye to premature greying and hair fall, and hello to gorgeous hair! 🌿

#HairCareTips #AyurvedaBeauty #HealthyHairRoutine #FitnessForHair

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Did you know exercise can help solve your hair troubles?


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