Ayurvedic SKINCARE Routine for Men & Women

Ladies and Gentlemen (yes, skincare is important for everyone)—

I want to start by saying that skincare is a gender neutral concept. We all have a face, it gets dirty daily, and we need to take care of it. Whether you are a man or a woman. That being said, let me introduce you to the best and simplest gender neutral skincare I have used for years and LOVE! My skincare routine is simple and so are the ingredients in them. All natural. Clean. Green. And most importantly, won’t break the bank.

I have combination skin that has a mind of its own, and is extremely acne prone. What I’m sharing with you are things that work wonders on my face (and don’t forget the neck and hands that show signs of aging before anything else on our body). Best of all, it’s all from Amazon! Amazon Prime takes all my money and I’m not even mad about it. Am I right, or am I right?!

So what are the things that have a forever home on my counter?

Step 1 Cleanser: Farmacy Cleansing Balm

First things first, let’s start with cleaning our face. Whether you’re a male or female, Farmacy Cleansing Balm is hands down the best face wash I’ve ever tried. I know what you’re thinking…um Shama, it says Natural Makeup Remover— how can men use it? Trust me on this, just ignore the product name and give it a try. It has a very faint minty scent and is a gender neutral cleanser. And ladies, this will take off the most stubborn makeup (including any and all types of mascara).

Pro tip: You need to apply the cleanser to dry skin for it to work its magic (so if you’re in the shower, make sure you don’t wet your face immediately).

Step 2 Toner: Rose Water or Vetiver Water

Once you’re done cleaning your face, you want to spray it wish some type of natural toner to balance the pH of your skin. You see, when you wash your face, it throws your skin’s pH off balance. What does that mean? Without going into a pH discussion, just know that ideally your skin’s pH should be about 5.5 which is slightly acidic. And it is important to tone your face after cleaning and washing it so that it can return to it’s ideal pH balance to protect us so that it can effectively protect us against premature aging, bacteria, and other damage.

Rose Water all day every day! I personally know plenty of men who do not shy away from using rose water as part of their skincare regimen, and the smell of roses only lingers for a few seconds so that is not a concern at all. You will not smell like roses for more than a few seconds, so don’t let that stop you from trying this! However, if you’re still hesitant and would prefer an alternative, then try Vetiver Water. I don’t love the scent of it as it is more musky, however, it is definitely a popular choice amongst men.

Spray either Rose or Vetiver Water on your face to your heart’s delight before moving on to moisturizing.

Step 3 Face Oil: Kumkumadi (Saffron infused face oil)

So after cleaning and balancing our face’s pH with a toner, next up is moisturizing. The one, the only: Kumkumadi Face Oil. Known in Ayurveda and the magic elixir, and that it certainly is! I cannot live without this stuff, and it is addicting once you see the results! Obsessed would be an understatement.

Step 4 Facial Massage: Kansa Wand

Facial massage using the Kansa Wand may be a new concept to most, but it has been used in India for over 6,000 years! So why do we need to massage our face? For the same reason we get body massage— blood circulation! Good blood circulation equals more radiant and youthful skin. And who doesn’t want that!

Using an oil (I love Kumkumadi oil but you can use any face oil of your choice) is essential for using the wand. You want to apply a generous amount of oil to create ‘slip’ on your face so that you’re not pulling your skin when you massage your face with the wand. Massage using small circular motions all over your face for 15-20 mins (or even 5 mins if that’s all the time you have). Use circular motions on the temples to relieve tension and around the jawline to help with jaw pain or TMJ.

Kansa wand also has a ton of other benefits (it also helps balance your skin’s pH, and if your skin has a pH imbalance then the wand will turn your skin gray — don’t worry that just means the wand is doing its job and you can wipe the gray tint off with a wet cloth and know that the imbalance is now fixed). The reason why I use the Kansa wand is for its anti-aging benefits. Its like a magic eraser (or should I say magic wand ha!)— not only does it prevent wrinkles but with regular use it may even make any unwanted wrinkles vanish. But wait, there’s more! If you feel any pimples or bumps coming up on your face (or anywhere on your body), apply the oil and massage that area with the Kansa Wand for 15-20 mins and bid those unwanted guests goodbye!

I absolutely love all of these skincare products and have them on a repeat subscription so that I never run out! Everyone’s skin is different, and what works for me may not work for you. But you won’t know until you try! If you do give any of these a try, please let me know your experience, thoughts, feedback in the Comments box below. I would love to hear from you!


