The Ayurvedic Wisdom of Water
Do you love drinking cold water?
After studying Ayurveda, I have to hold back the extreme urge to stop every single person I come across on a daily basis with a glass of cold water! In the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda, water is more than just a beverage—it’s a key to balance.
And guess what? The temperature of water matters!
Warm water, known as “ushnodaka,” kindles our Agni (digestive fire), aids digestion, helps remove toxins, and promotes circulation. Warm water can be room temperature or hot enough that its tolerable when your pinky is dipped in it.
According to Ayurveda, it is best to boil your water, let it cool down naturally, and add herbs or spices according to your needs and take small sips throughout the day. I typically drink lemon water in the morning, and add dry ginger powder or crushed coriander seeds and sip throughout the day (dry ginger helps with digestion, and coriander seeds help keep my doshas in balance).
It is best to avoid drinking water during meals as well as 30 minutes before and after meals.
On the other hand, cold water weakens our Agni (digestive fire), slowing digestion and leading to imbalance. It is suggested to avoid drinking cold water or beverages (or anything cold for that matter- I know I know, but I am just the messenger who wants the best for your health).
Remember, the choices we make today shape our tomorrow. So stay hydrated, choose warm water , and your digestion will thank you. Cheers!